The Committee

Prior to 1917, Grain Industry matters were undertaken by the Corn Trade Sectional Committee of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce.


Original founders – 17th May 1917

From left to right: S.H Kilgour, A.S Mitchell, M. Bloch, Thos. Roxburgh, B.F Matthews, P.S Lemon, C.H Wood

Current Committee
Jeremy Swincer (Act President) (03) 5883 3422
Stephen Howells (Vice President)  0429 922 993
Brad Knight (Treasurer) (03) 5442 2293
Hamish Mc Donald  (03) 5282 3543
Chris Spano (03) 9275 6569
Katrina Liston (03) 9268 7252
Michael Wood (03) 9533 8733
Simone Dax (03) 9274 8888
Krissy Campbell (02) 5942 3300
Craig Cochrane (03) 9864 2000
Past Presidents
T Roxburgh 1917 W.H. Swanton 1917-19 D.H. Dureau 1919-20
F. Goulding 1920-21 W. Nelson 1921-35 Hon. Marcus Saltau 1935-45
J.H. Wiseman 1945-48 R. Tyner 1948-51 J.S. Cameron 1951-56
J.W. Goulding 1956-59 R.L. Phillips 1959-63 R.N. Peachey 1963-65
V.C. Burston 1965-67 D.R. Moody 1970-71 G.R. Griffin 1971-73
D.R. Tilley 1973-75 J.H. McGlinchey 1975-76 B.L. Hagger 1978-80
I.W. Whittaker 1980-82 R.J. Barrow 1982-84 P.G. Allen 1984-87
D. Ward 1987-92 W. Gadd 1992-93 G. Whitty 1993-95
L. George 1995-97 S. Wall 1997-99 A.D. Russell 1999-01
T. Roche 2001-03 C. Brooks 2003-05 P. Poulton 2005-07
C. Perkins 2007-09 J. Riordan 2009-12 M. Wood 2012-15
A. Kelso 2015-17  A. Murphy   2017 –20 R. Stroud 2020-22
S Dax 2022-23 J. Swincer  2023-
Life Members
P. Schwarz (dec) B.L. Hagger (dec)
D. Ward (dec) P.G. Allen
B. Bailey (dec)  J. Riordan
R.E. Warburton 1917-20
T.E. Lowe 1920-21
L.M. Adams 1921-22
A.J.S. Wilson 1922-24
J.A. Gray 1924-39
W.L. Osbourne 1939-60
D.G. Wilcox 1961-71
R.M. Reyne 1971-72 (April)
M.T. D’Rozario 1972-94
B. Bailey 1994-03
W.A. Baxter 2003-07
T. Roche 2007-14
C. Peace 2014-
Hon. Treasurers
A.S. Mitchell 1917-20
J.A. Todd 1920-56
R.N. Peachey 1956-60
C.H. Carter 1960-62
J.M. Moore 1962-76
B.P. Quirk 1976-86
P.E. Giles 1986-87
D. Cooper 1987-88
S. Kallman 1988-89
K. Bacon 1989-92
L. George 1992-95
M. Perkins 1995-98
T. Roche 1998-99
M. Thiele 1999-01
P. Poulton 2001-05
B. May 2005-14
A. Kelso 2014-15
M. Kerr 2015-16
L. Carrasco 2015-17
B. Knight 2017-