Victoria’s grain industry networking event of the year, the GIAV Annual Lunch and AGM, will be held at Harbour Room, 2 Pier Road St Kilda on Friday September 13. Our generous meeting sponsors are NAB. The venue opens with morning tea and coffee at 9:00 am, the meeting commences at 9:30 and concludes at 3:00 pm.
Following coffee and tea from 9:00 am, our morning meeting commences at 9:30 with our AGM followed by a program covering:
- An update on industry issues from GTA
- Analysis of Australian grain supply and demand
- Container shipments and fumigation panel discussion
Members and guests are then invited for canapes and drinks prior to our lunch generously sponsored by NAB commencing at 12:30.
Located upstairs at the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, with panoramic views of St Kilda beach and pier and distinct period character, the Harbour Room will be our venue for the GIAV Annual Lunch this year.
Metered car parking is available next door at the St Kilda Sea Baths.


Our sponsor for the 2024 Annual Lunch will the NAB and members will gain an update on finance and topical economic issues.